タイトル: Our Stolen Sustainability Unsafe Eden Contaminated by Environmental Hormones
著者名: ATSUJI, Shigeo; 阿辻, 茂夫; UEDA, Kazunori; 上田, 和範; FUJIMOTO, Ryosuke; 藤本, 良介
抄録: When we speak of sustainable development in the context of modern society, what does it actually mean? Here we would like to address the issue of environmental contamination and explore the conditions required to move toward human coexistence and symbiosis with the natural environment. Studying the effect of ‘environmental hormones’ and endocrine disruptors on the ecosystem, Theo Colborn confirmed the risk of ‘brain contamination’ through the food chain and ‘bio-accumulation’. The contamination of the ecosphere by environmental hormones - an issue which no modern human can avoid - is a ‘negative legacy’ contrasting with the economic wealth brought by modern rationality. In this article, we consider the role of the environmental ethics which societies and individuals will be required to practice in the near future and examines the role of ‘environmental management’ as a preventive policy carrying the morality of the modern organization.